On Customer signing this Tax Invoice, Customer Accepts the Quote, Payment and Trade Terms, such as;
1) Printing Order to be Finished Early or Later than our normal turn around time of ( One Week for Graphics,
One Week for Printing and One Week for Grace ). 2) All changes in Colours, due to changes in Weather.
3) Customer also Accepts Loss of Deposit, if Order is Not Placed to Atomic Blades Printers within 30 Days.
4) All Order Input is 50% Customer and 50% Atomic Blades, Hence, No Disputes Allowed from the Customer.
5) All Graphics Work on Computer Disk produced by Atomic Blades stays the Property of Atomic Blades,
Including after the End of a Four Year Web Site Deal where Customer is requested to delete their Computer
Disc Copies of any Atomic Blades Creations ( Eg: html, swf, Images, Etc. ), Hence, Customer can only use their
Graphics Paper Hard Copies when dealing with another Graphic Artist, for the Customers New Design.
PLEASE NOTE: All Copyrights are requested to be Dealt in the following manner; where as, you own the
Car you drive, but you Do Not Own the Patent of the Car Design, Hence, when you are Dealing with a Copyright
you are requested to service your Car at the same Service Garage, Hence, you are requested to have all your
Draughting, Graphics and Printing done only by Atomic Blades, because if the Customer prints or copies an
Atomic Blades Creation themselves or by the Customers 3rd Party, that exercise is called INFRINGEMENT.
GENERAL ADVICE: The Copyright Notice is Not required for Protection in Australia, Protection is Automatic, and
Copyright lasts from the time the material is created until 50 years after the year of the Creator's Death.
All Dealings with Atomic Blades are done with the Agreement that Atomic Blades is the Creator and Owner
of all the Copyrights;
( Written Material, Artistic Works, Musical Works, Dramatic Works, Computer Programs, Compilations,
Cinematography Films, Sound Recordings, Broadcasts, Published Editions, Live Performances, Rental Rights,
Freelancers, Employers, Employees, Etc. )
( All Order Photographs and Text Originals Only Input by the Customer are Protected by Copyright on their Own,
but Not Protected when Supplied by the Customer to be placed in an Atomic Blades Creation )
( All Atomic Blades Copyrights Will Only be Sold with a WRITTEN AGREEMENT prepared by a Third Party Lawyer as
Prevention Not Apprehension with INFRINGEMENT, where the Cost of any Copyright such as a Trade Mark, Logo,
Business Card, Letter Head, Brochure, Envelope, Folder, Web Site, Etc., will start from $75,000.00. per Copyright !!! )
( Free Graphics means a Discount off the Total Debt Amount Owing in an Atomic Blades Invoice )
( All Dealings with Atomic Blades - Draughting, Graphics and Printing, where on Computer Disc, Hard Copy or On Site
in Action, will be used for the Development and Promotion of Atomic Blades )
( All Atomic Blades Owner/General Manager, Lawyers and Private Investigations when No Draughting, Graphics or
Printing Orders have been placed by the Customer within Nine Months, Hence, if Atomic Blades Owner/General
Manager is Not Permitted to check if the Customer has started Infringing on Atomic Blades Creations. Then the
Customer will be Personally Liable for all the Lawyers and Private Investigations Costs, and the Costs will be
dealt the same as an Atomic Blades Invoice/Account and Matter to the Customer.
6) Payment for Each Graphics Amendment Load for Work Done, During Loss of Deposit if Customer Cancels Order.
7) All Work as Completed when Customer Pays Owing Balance and Customer Accepts All Responsibility for All
Injuries Resulting from Use of Completed Work.
8) Should this Invoice/Account Not be Paid in Full Within our strict 30 Day with an additional 30 Day Grace
Payment Terms, an additional 25% of the Total Debt Amount will be added to the Total Debt Amount each and
Every ongoing Month as Interest. Also Customers Staff or Other as instructed by the Customer to accept any
Draughting, Graphics and Printing deliveries by signing an Atomic Blades Invoice may also be Personally Liable
for the Total Debt Amount Owing, plus the additional 25% monthly Interest Owing.
9) A Directors Pty Ltd and Share Holders ( Customer Guaranty ) of any Total Debt Amount Owing, be Dealt as a
Small Claims Court or a Relevant Court Debt, Where the Customer will be Personally Liable for the Total Debt
Amount Owing, plus the additional 25% monthly Interest Owing.
Also should this Invoice/Account and Matter be Forwarded to a Collection Agency you Will be Liable to Pay all related
additional Fees and Charges incurred by the Collection Agency. Eg: If the Customer will Not provide Document Proof
when requested by a Collection Agency, to check if the Customer Assets are in a Business Trust or Non Business Trust,
then the Costs will be dealt the same as an Atomic Blades Invoice/Account and Matter to the Customer.
Atomic Blades Approval of Transaction: ...................................
Customer: ..................................................................................................
Signature: ......................................................
Andres Mbl: 0417 14 6361